Monday 27 February 2012


A light-hearted interview is a relaxed and friendlier interview than the hard or combative interviews. The light hearted-interviews are often featured in chat shows where a presenter interviews a celebrity in a relaxed, talking to them as a friend and not a source of information. The celebrity is often there because they have a new tour or album or something to promote however the conversations are often very open and general. The light heartedness is done by slowly building more of a rapport with the guest before and during the interview so they are comfortable even being watched by an audience as well as being asked some personal question which they may not have answered if it was an interrogation and combative interviewing.
            The questions asked will be open giving the guest a chance to give a full answer and explanation they will have the freedom to give as much or as little information on the subject as they wish and they would not be pushed to hard for an answer out of respect by the host of the chat show as it can create an awkward atmosphere for them and the audience. The host will have some set questions which he/she will want to ask throughout the interview not necessarily in order or directly after each other, however much like the combative it can become more improvised if there is good chemistry between the host and guest.
            The guest would be kindly introduced to continue making them more of a friend to the studio and surroundings rather than diving straight into the questions they would start as any conversation would such as greeting each other and asking how they are. The questions would be easy to answer and not about anything too serious and if there is an awkward moment then the host will be good enough to keep the interview flowing and change the subject subtly. They will keep the interviewee’s confidence by complimenting them often and avoiding the embarrassing or touchy subjects that can make them feel uncomfortable.
            The purpose of these interviews are too entertain as the chat shows are often hosted by well known funny people like Alan Carr, Graham Norton and Jonathon Ross. An entertaining host will give the show a reputation of being humorous and worth watching if you want to laugh whilst watching your favorite celebrity having fun also.

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